
來源:個人圖書館-rtyzzz    時間:2023-07-05 12:48:28



American Psychiatric Association.Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5?). American Psychiatric Pub, 2013.

Asherson, Philip, et al. "Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: key conceptual issues."The Lancet Psychiatry3.6 (2016): 568-578.

Anita Thapar, Miriam Cooper. "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder".The Lancet.Volume 387, Issue 10024,2016

Storeb?, Ole Jakob, and Erik Simonsen. "The association between ADHD and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) a review."Journal of attention disorders20.10 (2016): 815-824.


Wang, Liang-Jen, et al. "Validity of Visual and Auditory Attention Tests for Detecting ADHD."Journal of attention disorders(2019): 1087054719887433.


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